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AI Server PCB Welcomes Upgrades and Generational Shifts

With the gradual implementation of AI applications in various fields such as image processing, gaming, and machine vision, AI Server PCBs, which are responsible for server chip sockets, data transmission, and connectivity components, are undergoing upgrades.

“Due to the increasing computational power required by AI models to handle ever-growing amounts of data, the manufacturing requirements for AI Server PCBs are higher than those for PCBs used in other fields,” said a representative from the Securities Department of Shenghong Technology to a reporter from the Securities Daily.

Shanghai Electric Co., Ltd., a company specializing in high-end digital communication PCBs, recently stated, “As the digital transformation process accelerates, routers, data storage, and AI accelerated computing server products are also expected to experience rapid growth, leading to strong demand for large-size, high-layer, advanced high-density boards, as well as high-frequency and high-speed PCB products. This demand places higher requirements on the technological level and quality of these products.”

One key difference between AI Server PCBs and regular server PCBs is the increase in the number of layers. Hu Yang, Chief Analyst of Electronic Products at Huaxin Securities, explained, “The number of layers in AI Server PCBs has increased from around 12 layers on the Whitley platform to more than 20 layers for AI training stage servers.”

In addition, AI Server PCBs also place higher demands on design flexibility and resistance. With process optimization, these products are expected to experience an increase in both quantity and price. Fan Zhiyuan, Chief Researcher of Electronic Components at Guojin Securities, stated, “The value of AI Server PCBs is 5 to 6 times that of regular server PCBs. As AI large models and applications are implemented, the market demand for AI servers is increasing, and the market is expanding. Taking DGXA100 as an example, out of the unit value of 15,321 yuan, 7,670 yuan comes from the carrier board, and 7,651 yuan comes from the PCB. Therefore, manufacturers with a strong presence in server PCBs are expected to benefit first.”

In the medium to long term, the PCB industry is expected to continue its growth trend. The global compound annual growth rate of PCB production value is estimated to be around 3.8% from 2022 to 2027, with the global PCB production value reaching approximately 98.388 billion US dollars by 2027. Major PCB manufacturers in China have formed their own competitive advantages and bargaining power in various sub-sectors. In 2022, China’s total PCB industry output value reached 44.2 billion US dollars, accounting for 54.1% of the global market. Manufacturers are seizing the development opportunities in the AI Server PCB race and are expected to further solidify China’s dominant position in the PCB industry.

Currently, Longyu PCB Company already has relevant products. With the exponential growth of global data traffic and the acceleration of global informatization, servers, as the most critical computational infrastructure, are witnessing significant increases in shipments and market size worldwide. PCBs are crucial components that support server operations. To seize market opportunities, the company will continue to innovate, enhance technical capabilities, and improve product development, maintaining cooperation with world-class customers.

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